Product 1

Dynamo, the Data Analyst

Product 2

Gina, the Engagement Executive

Product 3

Grant, the Sales Representative

Product 4

Julie, the Influencer

Boost Your Store Performance with Intelligent Automations

AI Solutions for E-commerce


Product Descriptions | Product Recommendations | Data Enrichment | Engagement Boosters

Naratix.ai is helping top 1k+ fastest e-commerce companies scale faster


E-commerce AI Agents

Nara – Brand Manager – Content Writer

Brand Pages Descriptions

Category Page Descriptions



Product Descriptions


Dynamo – Data Engineer – Product Documentation

Data Analysis

Data Enrichment

Data Processing

Web Scraping

Private Beta – Gina – Engagement Executive

Client Happiness

Client Needs & Behavior


Private Beta – Grant – Product Recommendations & Cross Sales

AOV – Average Order Value


Product Discovery

Product Recommendation

Upselling Master

Private Beta – Julie – Influencer: Livestreaming & Social Media

Community Building

Influencer & Social Media

Organic Engagement

Unboxing & Reviews

E-commerce Content

SEO Optimised, Customer Focused, On-Brand, Localized Content you can trust.

Product Descriptions

Naratix AI delivers precise, engaging product descriptions for your e-commerce.

Category Descriptions

Naratix AI generates SEO-Rich, clear category descriptions for your store.

Brand Page Descriptions

Naratix AI crafts, impactful brand narratives that create a sense of community & belonging.

Content Localization

Simple translations aren`t enough for ecommerce content  localization. We tailor your content by accounting for the local culture, buyer personas, demographics, psychographics & spending habits and local key terms in order to create localized content.

Real time Local & Cultural Events

Your Brand Voice & Identiy

Tailored to your customer personas

Use EAN Codes

Use EAN as the unique identifier for your products in order to list the most relevant features &  attributes for your store

Reputable Data Sources

Naratix uses the most reputable data sources online, all of which have undergone rigorous testing for accuracy

Supplier Data

Naratix also uses Supplier and Manufacturer Data directly, regardless of language / location

Add Product Features

With Dynamo, you can add the most relevant information about your products with just one click. 

EAN Data Enrichment

Dynamo uses EAN product codes in order to scan reputable data sources for relevant features and attributes. We pool all of this data, normalize it, translate and adapt it into your destination language, giving your users more relevant features to search for or use as filters. 

5x more product Attributes

Accurate Data from Reputable Sources

Increase Product Relevancy for your clients use

awesome features

Why Choose Naratix ?

Generate automatic, multi-lingual product descriptions that match your brand, customer personas, and current trends and SEO, similar to enhancing your catalog with EAN, attributes, and similar products for authentic, tailored content.

Leverage the EAN in order to add more filtrable attributes,  comparable products and  infuse your catalog with genuine, multi-lingual data that improves searching, filtering and listing actions.

Automatically identifies the perfect buyers for your products: Demographics, Psychographics and how they Engage with your brand. Naratix will tailor your entire catalog & bring out the most relevant information for each buyer persona.

Your Brand will maintain consistency across all channels and every page, ensuring uniformity thus supporting your omnichannel strategy.

100x the output of your digital team by giving them the best tools to enact your strategies. With Naratix, you can automate, personalize and increase the rate and performance of your campaigns.

Maximize the value of your existing content by using it to train NaratixAi, deriving additional benefits from your previous efforts, increase listing speed and decrease the cost of new listings by a factor of 50. 

We have partnered with best performance agencies

why us

NextGen Content that you can Trust

Naratix AI is designed to be both fully customizable but also run on autopilot and learn by itself.

Product Descriptions

Enhance your e-commerce with engaging, SEO-optimized product descriptions that resonate with your target audience.

Category & Brand Descriptions

Craft distinct, memorable Category & Brand Descriptions that accurately reflect your unique identity and connect with your audience.

Brand Pages

Create compelling, informative articles that engage your audience and elevate your brand’s online presence.

Shareable Posts

Develop engaging, shareable posts that drive interaction and enhance your social media presence.

Start using Naratix.ai for free

We support both Enterprises and Startups, so if you are small store, you can still leverage Naratix for Free!

Three Simple Steps to Transform Your E-Commerce

Elevate your e-commerce platform with our innovative solution, designed to boost online engagement and streamline your customer’s shopping experience. Tailor your digital content to reflect your brand’s unique voice and meet your audience’s needs. Unlock new growth opportunities and cement your presence in the competitive online market.


Sign up quickly to start personalizing your e-commerce strategy. A simple registration process gets you access to all the tools you need.

upload your store products

Easily upload your product list to our platform. This seamless integration lays the foundation for enhanced product visibility.

generate descriptions

Automatically generate compelling and tailored product descriptions that resonate with your audience and boost your online presence.

ready to try Naratix?

Just register and generate up to 10 product descriptions.

Our Best Features


choose your simple pricing plan

The most cost effective content engineering in the world.

$9.99 / month
Best for small stores, start-ups or content light companies.
30 Generations
$99.99 / month
Best for established brands and
medium-sized Businesses.
300 Generations
Most Popular
$149.99 / month
Best for established brands and
medium-sized Businesses.
500 Generations
Custom Pricing
Best for international brands with large catalogs.
Unlimited GenAI


Frequently Asked questios

Green Ellipse

Welcome to our FAQ section, where we aim to address your most common questions and concerns. Here, you’ll find detailed answers about our services, processes, and best practices to ensure you have all the information you need for a seamless experience. Whether you’re new to our platform or looking for specific insights, we’re here to help guide you every step of the way.

NaratixAI is a content automation tool like no other. You can use it to generate E-commerce product descriptions using only the EAN code & customize these descriptions to account for your brand voice, your customer persona, current events (Christmas, Spring Sales, Black Friday, etc) as well as enrich your existing product data. 

Our clients also use NaratixAI in order to quickly write authentic articles, content pages and even social media posts that can be distributed to millions of followers. 

Chat GPT, LLAMA and other amazing LLMs, while incredible, are designed as general purpose language models. Great Prompt Engineering is incredibly difficult and maintaining context over a large number of prompts is impossible. Naratix was designed to address this problem specifically. 

While we like to believe NaratixAI can even cook and clean, this engine has been purposefully built to accomplish the following: 

  1. Ecommerce Product Descriptions
  2. Blog Articles that are on Brand
  3. Data Enrichment
  4. Ecommerce Newsletters
  5. Social Media posts

It essentially acts like a best in class Writer`s Room that never run out of ideeas and that you can always count on to do, measure, learn, react & do again. 

Unfortunatelly, Yes. All large language models today, no matter how well trained have a number of issues, which is why they are ment to be used as support, not as a source of truth. At NaratixAI, we`re constructing the content around your data (which is considered the only source of truth). 

Both Google and Bing have dedicated a lot of time and attention to machine generated content and have resumed that this type of content will 100% not negatively impact website ranking. 

You can start using our platform: 

  1. Manually, by uploading a file containing your content (product descriptions, articles, category pages, etc). A new file in the same format will be generated by Naratix containing your new content, making it easy for you to import using your native CMS features. 
  2. You can use our public API
  3. For Enterprise Clients, custom API integrations are available for more complex integrations and use-cases.

If you`ve used LLMs before, you are probably familiar with the type of issues that can impact your content (from hallucinations, incorrect information, overselling or overly creative copywriting, scaling issues, cost issues, dependability issues and the list goes on).  Naratix addresses all of these issues, has implemented a number of strict controls and has already been used for millions of products and pages with very happy clients.

NaratixAI makes use of your live data (search console, analytics, on-page behavior and outside trends) in order to consistently get better results.

Check Naratix.ai Now